We make the worlds best independent entertainment guides. A growing global entertainment guide network, spanning 4 countries and bringing readers an superior experience when planning their night out. We provide full event details, recommended local bars, restaurants & hotels, parking options, in-depth show reviews and latest announcements for theatres, venues, cities and performer tours all around the world.
Under New Management
Currently undergoing domain audit and content upgrades.
We pride ourselves on promoting the best partners we can find in their respective industry. Currently we are recommending: for hotel bookings due to their customer centric operation, free cancellation policy and global coverage.
Ticket Squeeze for ticket booking due to their optimal booking experience and industry leading trust rating.
SpotHero for parking bookings due to their vast nationwide coverage and easy booking experience.
OpenTable for restaurant reservations give their exceptional reputation, robust system and extensive global coverage of virtually all notable restaurants.
We have personally used both businesses numerous times and can wholeheartedly recommend their services.
We are currently interested in partnering with businesses in the travel, dining and ride share industry. Please get in touch.
We support all in ticket pricing. Are you a reputable ticket provider with all-in pricing? Please get in touch.
We pride ourselves on operating the most compliant independent guide network on the internet. We have stricter guidelines than any other operator. Have a website query, concern or update request? Get in touch.
We go to great lengths to ensure that all our event information is accurate, complete and includes the correct promotional artwork. Some images are automatically sourced from Google Images. If the image has not been correctly labelled, Google may not include correct copyright information. Do you have a copyright dispute? Get in touch and we will remove the image for you. We can also offer tips on how to correctly label your images copyright information.